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Ballyallia Lake Amenity Enhancement Plan

28 January 2020

Barefield Tidy Towns launched the Ballyallia Lake Amenity Enhancement Plan on Wednesday the 22 January. 

The launch culminated in a public meeting held in the Auburn Lodge Hotel at 6pm, which was very well attended by the local community.

Barefield Tidy Towns on foot of funding secured from the Clare Local Development Company and with assistance from the Planning Department of Clare County Council, engaged consultants The Paul Hogarth Company, to complete the plan.  Its preparation was overseen by members of the local community, who formed a steering committee and involved public consultations and school workshops.  Attendees at the launch were told that the proposals and suggestions which were made at these previous consultations and workshops directly shaped the content of the plan for the lake, its amenity space and the projects and initiatives contained within the plan.

The overall aim of the plan is to protect, promote and enhance Ballyallia Lake and the surrounding areas which are an invaluable space for the local community and to protect the sensitive wildlife that live and visit the lake area.  The Plan identifies opportunities to strengthen the connection to Ennis Town Centre through the Green infrastructure Network in the area and identifies a number of opportunities to enhance and revitalise this area as an active amenity area which includes proposals for a potential pavilion which will provide changing facilities, toilets and visitor information, looped walks, adventure play areas and a community orchard.

Cllr Ann Norton Deputy Mayor of Ennis Municipal District and member of the steering committee which oversaw the plan preparation said

“We are delighted to see this Amenity Enhancement Plan finalised, and, as a group we are very energised by the level of enthusiasm and support that it has received from the local community throughout the preparation stages.  Now that the plan is complete Clare County Council together with local community must work hard to ensure that it is implemented in the not too distant future.  The delivery of the proposals contained within the plan will be a resource not just for the current generation but for future generations, as the lake will be managed and protected for all to enjoy. We are very excited to see what the future holds for Ballyallia”.

Brian McCarthy. Senior Planner with Clare County Council said

“The Council are delighted to be involved in the Ballyallia Lake Amenity Enhancement Plan which will be key for the plan-led delivery of a much improved amenity area for Ennis Town and the wider county.  The development of the plan also demonstrates how a local community can spearhead local development and it is to the credit of Barefield Tidy Towns,  through the funding they received from the Clare Local Development Company and the assistance from the Planning Department that such a plan has been produced”

Page last reviewed: 28/01/20

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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